Welcome One and All

Hello, I welcome you to my blog, its a collection of my thoughts and will usually be used to rant about crap, but I hope you find what Ive got to say interesting,

Peace out


Friday 24 August 2007

Im so stupid

All I do with this blog is rant and talk about shit so I dont know the purpose of having it on the web

Do you my readers (if there are any of you, im probly preaching to an empty church so to speak) Have any comments about this!


Peace out




I have just realised in my thoughful haze something odd,

About a month or so ago I had a recurring dream for about 2 weeks occuring on most nights, It was of me having drinks with my uni friends and ending up drunk and when the party was going to move on the dream came to an end always with me walking on cruthes and unable to continue.

The odd thing is tonight I had an oppurtunity to have a night out with these people and I was unable to due to my ankle

How odd!

Peace out



Thursday 23 August 2007


Fuck fuck fuckety fuck fuck fuck

just letting off steam lol


bugger bollocks fuck shitty cunting ankle 8 weeks and still fucked

shitting cunty bollocks!!!

there much better!

Wednesday 22 August 2007

Ankle Update

I had my hospital appointment today,

I had 4 xrays of my ankle and my plaster cast was removed, it is now only in a supporting bandage but this is to control the swelling more than support

I can walk on my bad foot but only with crutches, stairs are awkward though!

I have various things to do with it, I have exercises to do every 2 hours when I can, and I have to put an ice pack on it 4 - 6 times a day for 10 minutes.

3 more weeks off work though :( I really need the money oh well laziness for 3 weeks dont sound too bad!

It hurts a lot more than I thought and its really weak, its just a bit odd because in my cast I could walk on it normally even without crutches,

Oh well I hope it heals quickly

Monday 13 August 2007

Monday 6 August 2007

Everything is fucked up!

Why is life so complicated,
I just dont know what to do, my life has hit a brick wall,
Ive got a degree and cant do anything with, my social life is all over the shot and well my home life aint great either

Im fed up of having my leg in a cast, still have 2 weeks to go so its getting really fucking annoying.

I wish life was simple

Peace Out
