Welcome One and All

Hello, I welcome you to my blog, its a collection of my thoughts and will usually be used to rant about crap, but I hope you find what Ive got to say interesting,

Peace out


Wednesday 22 August 2007

Ankle Update

I had my hospital appointment today,

I had 4 xrays of my ankle and my plaster cast was removed, it is now only in a supporting bandage but this is to control the swelling more than support

I can walk on my bad foot but only with crutches, stairs are awkward though!

I have various things to do with it, I have exercises to do every 2 hours when I can, and I have to put an ice pack on it 4 - 6 times a day for 10 minutes.

3 more weeks off work though :( I really need the money oh well laziness for 3 weeks dont sound too bad!

It hurts a lot more than I thought and its really weak, its just a bit odd because in my cast I could walk on it normally even without crutches,

Oh well I hope it heals quickly

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