Welcome One and All

Hello, I welcome you to my blog, its a collection of my thoughts and will usually be used to rant about crap, but I hope you find what Ive got to say interesting,

Peace out


Friday 27 July 2007

Actually the hangover was worth it

I know I just moaned about hangovers, but ive decided they are worth it. Last nite was good, although my combo of beer and jd n coke does me no favours. Thursday is a good nite out in fleet, spoons is cheap and jaxx is really cheap for a club on thursdays, £2 a bottle of beer or spirit and mixer and fosters is even cheaper at £1.50. Ahh it would be better if it was this cheap at the weekend but hey nothings ever perfect.


Peace Out


God I Hate Hangovers!

I know its self inflicted but bloody hell why do we need to be punished for having a good time, well i suppose it serves us right for drinking too much alcohol , which is actually a poison. Only god knows why a substance that poisons the body has such a good effect and what the purpose of alcohol is in nature. Drugs in general are a mystery, thier "poisonous" effect on the human body, which can be percieved as a high and a reason to subject our body to its effect. I think the whole subject is very strange and interesting.

On a separate point my ankle is getting better. i can now put weight on it and walk on it with crutches and a special support shoe.
I am hopeful that at my fracture clinic in 4 weeks i should be fully healed, so I can get back to normal

Peace Out


Friday 20 July 2007

life is good, even with a buggered ankle!

I have had a few ups and downs, well ive had some good times and well not bad times but bored times where I sorta think too much and get depressed. Well the good, last friday (13/7/07) I luckily had a nite out. I went to my local wetherspoons with a few friends and treated myself by using my wheelchair, had a few drinks and then they convinced me to go to a club lol, The bouncer let me in the side door down the ramp and it was good, free entry and £2 a fosters, Jaxx in fleet is good. I basically had my own personal toilet (the disabled) and had a great time, well until i got up the next day with a hangover, lol. I had my graduation yesterday, it was great i had a place on the stage with my wheelchair so it was good, I saw most of my mates from my course who i haven't seen for like a month, so I was really good, I now officially have a degree its so strange. Today started bad though, It dawned on me that Im finished with uni and wont see my friends very often. Then in the post I got my full results and found out why I got a 2:2, I did a bit crap this year which really pissed me off coz I worked really hard and did so much more work and revision than previous years, but I guess it was just that much harder. Well I also went out tonight and it was good I needed a little booze up. I cant wait till tuesday, I get paid and I have a choice of 2 pub quizzes to go to.

Peace Out



Friday 13 July 2007

Ankle ... sorted, well its on its way

I had my appointment at the hospital today, ive got 2 small fractures, on either side of the foot and have damaged the ligaments as well, Im now in a full cast for 5 more weeks! Oh well its a good rest, and I can walk on it in the cast soon. The best thing is that I dont need surgery. Hopefully in 5 weeks it will be completely healed

Saturday 7 July 2007

Ah, Life its all up and down

Yesterday I was really happy as I was booked on for a CT scan for sunday, and then after much hassle got a fracture clinic appointment for monday. Today i had a phone call to say my CT scan had been cancelled becuase the scanner had broken down again (about 4 times in the last week and a half).
So I go back to waiting, the most annoying thing is that i dont know how bad the problem with my ankle is yet, so I dont know how long im gonna be stuck like this for, oh well at least im resting, it sort of makes up for not going on holiday this summer.
I am discovering just how much stuff there is to watch on sky, and im sorting all my music and discovering more artists and songs i like so its not all bad and on the bright side ive now got the rest of my life to do stuff so I might as well take it easy for a while and im gonna start planning what im gonna do next with my life, ive got a few ideas, i need a better job, i wanna travel before i start a career and I also want to study further so a masters maybe. I also am thinking of going into teaching so i need to look into that.

Peace out


Wednesday 4 July 2007

Just a point

I never realised how much I moan, bitch and ramble on


Im feeling much better today, I dont know what came over me yesterday to write all that!
I am loving my painkillers, not only do they help my ankle, they stop my back from aching from sitting on the sofa all day, and thay make me feel soooo good! lol, im taking tramadol, dihydrocodeine with paracetamol and also ibuprofen. im not really sposed to mix but im being careful.

I never realised how much music I have on my computer over 4000 songs, mostly downloaded or copied from friends' cds. Im feeling guilty about not buying it so ive been buying my favourite cds.

Oh and its raining again so wimbledon is on hold, damn it (i never realised how much I liked watching tennis)

And Im having a scan on my ankle soon (the ct scanner at the hospital is broken and im booked in as soon as its fixed)

so overall im content and just chilled

peace out


Tuesday 3 July 2007

Ooo woe is me

Why is life so shit, I just feel there is nothing worth doing anymore. Ive got a shit degree and a busted ankle so all the things ive wanted to do are on hold, I am just stuck on the sofa and its such a struggle to even go to the toilet. I am so bored and just fed up. I want to go out and drink with my friends and have a laugh, I cant even drown my sorrows at home because im on painkillers.
I cant really talk to my friends because I cant relate to them anymore. The only people I can relate to are my friends from uni and I wont really see them anymore because our lives are so complicated. Oh well Ill be ok

sorry to be so shit, I just needed to get some stuff off my chest.

peace out


English Summer Rain

Oh how I love my country! I know england has shit weather but the last couple of weeks are a joke! I wish it was sunny so I could sit outside, I am so fed up with being cooped up in my living room, and because of the rain the tennis isnt even on the TV. Oh well on the bright side at least ive got plenty of tv to watch and the internet to enjoy,

Heres to an improvement in weather!

Peace out


Sunday 1 July 2007

Bored at home, I miss the city

I really miss having a flat in London, I used to live in Stepney Green, which is a short tube ride away from the lovely southbank and the west end. Its in the east end which is a bit of a dive, but i really enjoyed living there probably for the people I knew rather than the area. I love the city, especially London, its always alive 24 hours a day and always buzzing, I have a connection to it through all the amazing people I met there while studying (or not) for my degree in biology. I have had so many amazing experiences in this city and although I only got a 2:2 I will never regret it because if I studied harder I wouldnt have had the same experience. I think I will stay in touch with all my mates from uni if I can, I really hope I do. My ankle has prevented me from organising anything yet but when Im healed I will get on it.

I think one of the reasons I miss London is that I was independant and could do what I wanted. Ive moved back in with my parents and my sister and due to my ankle I am mostly confined to thr living room, which causes problems. I think grown up children cannot live with thier parents especially when they have lived away from home, which I have although I did come home at weekends to work and during holidays. It is especially bad when you cant really leave the house, which I cant really as I am not very good on crutches and have difficulty using them over distances. I hope when I get a wheelchair i will be able to be a bit more free and so less stressed.

However I will always miss the city.


Last wednesday nite 20/06/07) when i had a fall while stepping of the N106 in Whitechapel and injured my ankle,

At 3:30am i was admitted to the a + e department at the royal london hospital in Whitechapel and i had examinations by nurses and an orthopaedic consultant, xrays which were inconclusive and placed in a backslab plaster then I was given painkillers and crutches and booked a fracture clinic appointment at my local hospital and sent on my way.

I then went home after meeting up with my parents and moving out of my flat in london on thursday morning.

For the next week I rested and only hobbled about on crutches to go to the bathroom to use the toilet and shower.

On wednesday this week (27/6/07) i attended the fracture clinic at frimley where the ortho SHO removed my cast and examined my ankle, then I had more xrays, and fell over on my way back to the frac clinic, i was put in a wheelchair and told my crutches were too small for me, the consultant said i did not have a major break but a small fracture and the severe swelling still present showed that i had damaged ligaments. I was then told that i was to be admitted to the trauma assesment unit to have a surgical examination on my ligaments to assess the extent of the damage. I then had more xrays on my whole lower leg and knee to see if there was more damage. Then I had another plaster applied by the highly talented staff . Finally i went to the physiotherapy department to get some better crutched and then went home.

I then on friday recieved a phone call from the hospital saying my admission had been cancelled as the consultant in charge wanted me to have a ct scan to reveal the extent of the damage before they operated on it.

I am now waiting for a phone call tomorrow and hopefully i will have my ct scan tuesday

fingers crossed i will have a speedy recovery although i will probably be in plaster for 4 to 6 week.

Ill keep you updated


Ok as this is my first post i will introduce the theme of my blog, it will be a collection of my thoughts that I feel that I need to air. so please enjoy the randoms rants and ramblings of a (currently stone cold sober) fool!