Welcome One and All

Hello, I welcome you to my blog, its a collection of my thoughts and will usually be used to rant about crap, but I hope you find what Ive got to say interesting,

Peace out


Saturday 7 July 2007

Ah, Life its all up and down

Yesterday I was really happy as I was booked on for a CT scan for sunday, and then after much hassle got a fracture clinic appointment for monday. Today i had a phone call to say my CT scan had been cancelled becuase the scanner had broken down again (about 4 times in the last week and a half).
So I go back to waiting, the most annoying thing is that i dont know how bad the problem with my ankle is yet, so I dont know how long im gonna be stuck like this for, oh well at least im resting, it sort of makes up for not going on holiday this summer.
I am discovering just how much stuff there is to watch on sky, and im sorting all my music and discovering more artists and songs i like so its not all bad and on the bright side ive now got the rest of my life to do stuff so I might as well take it easy for a while and im gonna start planning what im gonna do next with my life, ive got a few ideas, i need a better job, i wanna travel before i start a career and I also want to study further so a masters maybe. I also am thinking of going into teaching so i need to look into that.

Peace out


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