Welcome One and All

Hello, I welcome you to my blog, its a collection of my thoughts and will usually be used to rant about crap, but I hope you find what Ive got to say interesting,

Peace out


Sunday 1 July 2007


Last wednesday nite 20/06/07) when i had a fall while stepping of the N106 in Whitechapel and injured my ankle,

At 3:30am i was admitted to the a + e department at the royal london hospital in Whitechapel and i had examinations by nurses and an orthopaedic consultant, xrays which were inconclusive and placed in a backslab plaster then I was given painkillers and crutches and booked a fracture clinic appointment at my local hospital and sent on my way.

I then went home after meeting up with my parents and moving out of my flat in london on thursday morning.

For the next week I rested and only hobbled about on crutches to go to the bathroom to use the toilet and shower.

On wednesday this week (27/6/07) i attended the fracture clinic at frimley where the ortho SHO removed my cast and examined my ankle, then I had more xrays, and fell over on my way back to the frac clinic, i was put in a wheelchair and told my crutches were too small for me, the consultant said i did not have a major break but a small fracture and the severe swelling still present showed that i had damaged ligaments. I was then told that i was to be admitted to the trauma assesment unit to have a surgical examination on my ligaments to assess the extent of the damage. I then had more xrays on my whole lower leg and knee to see if there was more damage. Then I had another plaster applied by the highly talented staff . Finally i went to the physiotherapy department to get some better crutched and then went home.

I then on friday recieved a phone call from the hospital saying my admission had been cancelled as the consultant in charge wanted me to have a ct scan to reveal the extent of the damage before they operated on it.

I am now waiting for a phone call tomorrow and hopefully i will have my ct scan tuesday

fingers crossed i will have a speedy recovery although i will probably be in plaster for 4 to 6 week.

Ill keep you updated

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