Welcome One and All

Hello, I welcome you to my blog, its a collection of my thoughts and will usually be used to rant about crap, but I hope you find what Ive got to say interesting,

Peace out


Friday 20 July 2007

life is good, even with a buggered ankle!

I have had a few ups and downs, well ive had some good times and well not bad times but bored times where I sorta think too much and get depressed. Well the good, last friday (13/7/07) I luckily had a nite out. I went to my local wetherspoons with a few friends and treated myself by using my wheelchair, had a few drinks and then they convinced me to go to a club lol, The bouncer let me in the side door down the ramp and it was good, free entry and £2 a fosters, Jaxx in fleet is good. I basically had my own personal toilet (the disabled) and had a great time, well until i got up the next day with a hangover, lol. I had my graduation yesterday, it was great i had a place on the stage with my wheelchair so it was good, I saw most of my mates from my course who i haven't seen for like a month, so I was really good, I now officially have a degree its so strange. Today started bad though, It dawned on me that Im finished with uni and wont see my friends very often. Then in the post I got my full results and found out why I got a 2:2, I did a bit crap this year which really pissed me off coz I worked really hard and did so much more work and revision than previous years, but I guess it was just that much harder. Well I also went out tonight and it was good I needed a little booze up. I cant wait till tuesday, I get paid and I have a choice of 2 pub quizzes to go to.

Peace Out



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