Welcome One and All

Hello, I welcome you to my blog, its a collection of my thoughts and will usually be used to rant about crap, but I hope you find what Ive got to say interesting,

Peace out


Sunday 1 July 2007

Bored at home, I miss the city

I really miss having a flat in London, I used to live in Stepney Green, which is a short tube ride away from the lovely southbank and the west end. Its in the east end which is a bit of a dive, but i really enjoyed living there probably for the people I knew rather than the area. I love the city, especially London, its always alive 24 hours a day and always buzzing, I have a connection to it through all the amazing people I met there while studying (or not) for my degree in biology. I have had so many amazing experiences in this city and although I only got a 2:2 I will never regret it because if I studied harder I wouldnt have had the same experience. I think I will stay in touch with all my mates from uni if I can, I really hope I do. My ankle has prevented me from organising anything yet but when Im healed I will get on it.

I think one of the reasons I miss London is that I was independant and could do what I wanted. Ive moved back in with my parents and my sister and due to my ankle I am mostly confined to thr living room, which causes problems. I think grown up children cannot live with thier parents especially when they have lived away from home, which I have although I did come home at weekends to work and during holidays. It is especially bad when you cant really leave the house, which I cant really as I am not very good on crutches and have difficulty using them over distances. I hope when I get a wheelchair i will be able to be a bit more free and so less stressed.

However I will always miss the city.

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